Joomla 1.6 Beta 14 is vrijgegeven
Het Joomla project heeft zojuist Joomla 1.6 Beta 14 vrijgegeven. Zoals beloofd twee weken na de vrijgave van Beta 13. Sinds de beta 13 vrijgave op 1 november zijn er zo'n 69 problemen verholpen en 45 andere meldingen afgehandeld. Een overzicht van deze aanpassingen is onder dit artikel te vinden. Momenteel zijn er nog 5 problemen die een eerste Release Candidate (RC) verhinderen, de eerste RC versie komt dus steeds dichterbij en de komende twee weken zal er hard gewerkt worden om de 5 openstaande problemen te verhelpen. Veel van deze verbeteringen zijn te danken aan de Joomla Bug Squad en iedereen die bugs heeft gemeld.
De volgende beta of Release Candidate 1 versie staat gepland voor 29 november. Zoals we in het artikel "Op weg naar Joomla! 1.6 stable" beschreven zal er om de twee weken een nieuwe beta versie verschijnen totdat Joomla 1.6 stabiel genoeg is voor de eerste release candidate.
Joomla 1.6 Beta 14 is te downloaden op JoomlaCode. Op ons forum kan je met andere gebruikers je ervaringen over Joomla 1.6 beta delen.
Nederlandse taalbestanden Joomla 1.6 werkt ondertussen aan de Nederlandse vertaling van Joomla 1.6. Komende vrijdag zullen wij weer een nieuwe versie beschikbaar stellen. De vertaling is te vinden onder Joomla 1.6 van onze downloadsectie. Lees het artikel "1e versie van Joomla! 1.6 Nederlands beschikbaar" voor meer informatie.
Let op: Een Joomla beta versie is niet bedoeld en geschikt voor gebruik op live websites maar wordt door Joomla vrijgegeven zodat je de nieuwe software kunt testen. Installeer Joomla 1.6 beta daarom op je lokale omgeving en zeker niet op de server van je webhoster in verband met de veiligheid. In onze documentatie staat een artikel over het opzetten van een lokale testomgeving.
Changelog sinds Joomla 1.6 Beta 13
* -> Security Fix
# -> Issue Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note
-------------------- 1.6.0 Beta14 Release [15-Nov-2010] ------------------
15-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# Sample data fixes (thanks Elin Waring)
# [#23184] Need to handle content, modules, menu items when a viewing permission level is deleted
# [#23319] Can't install Joomla or choose the accessible admin template without a mouse (thanks Andrea Tarr)
# Fix About Parks module assignment in sample data
# [#23324] PATCH: Modeladmin using wrong key while loading (thanks Harald Leithner)
15-Nov-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#23247] behavior.keepalive with long session lifetime is causing firefox to freeze/crash (Markus Bopp, Ian MacLennan).
# Fixed issue [#23007] locked categories still available (Adrian Louter, Elin Waring).
# Fixed issue [#23069] Theoretical com_config exploit (Matt Thomas).
15-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Adding missing string
# [#23318] Remove hardcoded style so that RTL will work. Thanks Andrea.
$ Moving and consolidated some strings
14-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#21571] category blog view drill down does not maintain layout style
14-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23217] Move rules strings to library language file and rename keys for consistency. Consolidated some strings.
# [#21264] RTL issues with media manager. Thanks Andrea.
14-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23167] Remove align and valign attributes from the site (Rouven Weßling)
# [#23126] Missing images in hathor template (Andrea Tarr)
$ Fix a language key in com_newsfeeds
13-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23292] Unicode slugs lets Upper case in url, which can cause issues when SEF is on
# [#23299] calendar css don't display week-end days
# [#23284] Make tabs accessible for keyboard/screen readers. Thanks Andrea.
# [#23294] Allow archiving of category when parent category is published. Thanks Mark.
# [#23285] Incorrect markup in com_media. Thanks Rouven.
# [#23277] JToolbarHelper has wrong variable in generated URL. Thanks Michael and Bill.
12-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Deleted some redundant ini string
12-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# Sort modules by name when selecting a new one
+ Add missing file [#23160]
# [#23280] User can block himself in the admin
# Fix a bad named param in mod_search
11-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23205] Untranslated COM_CONFIG_ACTION_ADMIN_GLOBAL_DESC. Thanks Bill
$ Updated some xx-XX.ini files
11-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23242] Component Layout fields shows an error if frontend view does not exist (Andrew Eddie)
11-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# Temporary fix for category save bug introduced with [#23068] commit
10-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# Removing an extra div + some formatting while testing [#23068]
# [#23206] Improving permissions rules output (Dennis Hermacki)
# [#23068] Add admin rights to article security exploit (Louis Landry)
10-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating admin lang xmls
# [#23195] Prevent defacement of sites by specifying ?tmpl=offline. Thanks Rouven.
# [#23161] Improve the markup of the Pagenavigation plugin. Thanks Rouven.
$ [#23198] Remove unnecessary keys in X.plg_system_p3p.sys.ini. Thanks Rouven.
$ Applying JText::alt to JALL_LANGUAGE see [#23132]
10-Nov-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#23175] modal dialog not displaying drop shadows on all sides (Al Kent).
# Fixed issue [#23168] Category Blog view: Articles get edit permission from the category with its same id number (Juan Felix Mateos, Elin Waring).
09-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23170] Itemid is lost when browsing from content which is not linked to a menu item
# [#22298] Renaming JUser method (Dennis Hermacki)
# [#22488] set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated as of PHP 5.3.0
# [#23163] Remove closing tags for empty elements (Rouven Weßling)
# [#23162] Remove the last occurrence of the <font> element (Rouven Weßling)
09-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23177] Ability to set a default template style per language when System - Language Filter plugin is on. Thanks Christophe.
# [#23132] Some language have issues when translating global strings such as JALL. Thanks Christophe.
# [#22839] author link redirects to login form and not to profile of author. Thanks Elin and Bill.
$ [#23149] COM_USERS_ACTIVATION_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND message has no translation. Thanks Ronald
09-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#23054] Follow up on Issue 22932 - Alternate Layouts for Components
# Fix PHP notice problem with [#23054]
08-Nov-2010 Ian MacLennan
# [21571] Reverting commit to examine closer
08-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23160] Give each manager the possibility to choose its own admin template style
07-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22757] Wrong urls being produced for drill downs. Thanks Christophe.
# [#23159] Improving display of back-end mod_latest module
$ Added ® to Joomla! instances in footers
$ Deleted some redundant or obsolete ini strings
07-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#22776] Incorrect path field and child item path fields not being changed on save.
07-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#21789] Category Manger save alias as date instead of category name when renaming a category (Elin Waring)
# [#21571] category blog view drill down does not maintain layout style
# [#22515] P3P tags are hardcoded in JSession (Nicholas Dionysopoulos)
^ Fix some issues relative to #21571
06-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#21577] Pagebreak Plugin called via JHtml::_('content.prepare') issue
06-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23134] Template description is only displayed at installation, no where else
# [#23141] Module Position Fixes for Hathor. Thanks Andrea.
# [#23028] Install Sample Data button reactivated when there is error on Main Configuration Page. Thanks Nicolai.
06-Nov-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22628] Module Assignment in Module Manager changes to No pages incorrectly (Zachary Draper, Mathavan Jeyadev, Elin Waring).
05-Nov-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#22444] JRegistry fails when binding an object which contains a JRegistry object
05-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
$ Storing the default style name without ** when language debug is on while installing template
# [#23128] Incorrect Calendar field width (Dennis Hermacki)
# [#22949] Custom error types are always shown as 'Message' (Dennis Hermacki)
05-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#21798] Saving Profile Plugin configuration disables Profile, Thanks Mathavan and Elin.
#$ Enabling dashes in template ini keys for positions. Adding these strings for admin templates. + some.
04-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23096] Clarification & Simplification of ACL UI (Andrew Eddie, Andrew Tarr)
04-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23113] Clean up extraneous plus sign in user group edit screen. Thanks Andrea.
# [#22860] Invalid icon paths in com_media/models/list.php. Thanks Christophe.
03-Nov-2010 Andrew Eddie
! Updated Beta 13 SQL upgrade diff.
02-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23092] Save and New menu item displays error
# [#22562] Uninstalling core templates triggers multiple errors
# [#21512] mod_login does not redirect to menu item with access level greater than current
# [#23082] Help system does not work correctly when debug language is ON
# [#23095] Missing author_email in components/com_content/views/featured
# [#23029] JHtml::stylesheet not backward compatible and broken (Andrew, Mark)
# [#22188] Optimize beez font loading for IE (Rouven Weßling)
02-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23071] Provide template_preview.png for both Beez templates. Thanks Michael and Ramindu.
# [#23090] Acl - edit own - message "edit not permitted" in categories. Thanks Christophe.
# [#23094] Double translation in JHtmlJGrid. Thanks Christophe.
# [#23097] Contact edit screen is not consistent with the other compnents. Thanks Elin and Christophe.
# [#23106] Globally define commonly used module position names. Thanks Matt.
01-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23085] Improved UI for Article/Category permissions. Thanks Andrea.