Joomla 1.6 Beta 13 is vrijgegeven
Het Joomla project heeft zojuist Joomla 1.6 Beta 13 vrijgegeven. Zoals beloofd twee weken na de vrijgave van Beta 12. Sinds de beta 12 vrijgave op 18 oktober zijn er zo'n 71 problemen verholpen en 28 andere meldingen afgehandeld. Een overzicht van deze aanpassingen is onder dit artikel te vinden. Momenteel zijn er nog 13 problemen die een eerste Release Candidate (RC) verhinderen, de eerste RC versie komt dus dichterbij. Veel van deze verbeteringen zijn te danken aan de Joomla Bug Squad en iedereen die bugs heeft gemeld.
De volgende beta versie staat gepland voor 18 november. Zoals we in het artikel "Op weg naar Joomla! 1.6 stable" beschreven zal er om de twee weken een nieuwe beta versie verschijnen totdat Joomla 1.6 stabiel genoeg is voor de eeste release candidate.
Joomla 1.6 Beta 13 is te downloaden op JoomlaCode. Op ons forum kan je met andere gebruikers je ervaringen over Joomla 1.6 beta delen.
Let op: Een Joomla beta versie is niet bedoeld en geschikt voor gebruik op live websites maar wordt door Joomla vrijgegeven zodat je de nieuwe software kunt testen. Installeer Joomla 1.6 beta daarom op je lokale omgeving en zeker niet op de server van je webhoster in verband met de veiligheid. In onze documentatie staat een artikel over het opzetten van een lokale testomgeving.
Changelog sinds Joomla 1.6 Beta 12
* -> Security Fix
# -> Issue Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed
! -> Note
-------------------- 1.6.0 Beta13 Release [01-Nov-2010] ------------------
01-Nov-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22658] Flash uploader always shows "Images (...)" text in file selection popup. Thanks Dennis.
01-Nov-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#21446] Use local storage for the font size changer in the Beez templates (Rouven Weßling)
# [#22003] Missing onXXXBeforeSave event in com_categories (Andrew Eddie)
# [#23077] Error (JTableMenu: :store failed - Duplicate entry) when creating 2 menu items with same alias (even in different menus)
# [#23005] Upgrade TinyMCE to 3.9.2 (Rouven Weßling)
# [#23059] Incorrect table ordering behavior (Dennis Hermacki)
31-Oct-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#23073] Module position selection popup does not display administrator positions
31-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23076] Plugin Edits not checking back in in Bluestork. Thanks Andrea.
# [#23066] Single edit fix issues in Hathor. Thanks Andrea
# [#23080] Hathor menu batch copy strings. Thanks Bill.
30-Oct-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#21529] Aliases for _adminmenu items [sample data/joomla.sql]
# [#23046] Delete unused vcard files
# Clean out extraneous characters in sample data
30-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23058] Debug shows language debug info if "Debug Language" is disabled. Thanks Dennis.
+ [#22940] missing images in beez or css wrong. Thanks Bill and Christophe.
# [#23063] Can't access plugins in the backend. Thanks Rouven and Louis.
$ Correcting some xx-XX ini files.
29-Oct-2010 Mark Dexter
# Recommitting [#22178] When 'No Editor' is selected for user, HTML still re-formats when a file is saved (with joomla.sql fix)
# Reverting issue [#22178] When 'No Editor' is selected for user, HTML still re-formats when a file is saved (dani shap, Ian MacLennan, Hannes Papenberg, Elin Waring).
29-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updatings templates language folder sys.ini files for modules positions.
29-Oct-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#21260] ACL Permissions for Authors to Edit Own Content Items Missing (James Brice, Elin Waring, Michael Babker).
# Fixed issue [#22389] JFormFieldCategory et al not selecting default from list view (Boris Baddenoff, Mathavan Jeyadev).
# Fixed issue [#22483] "Empty Trash" does not delete all items in nested tables when there are multiple branches (categories, menus, groups) (Douglas Machado, Mathavan Jeyadev).
# Fixed issue [#21327] Cannot edit more than one thing at a time (Amy Stephen).
# Fixed issue [#22178] When 'No Editor' is selected for user, HTML still re-formats when a file is saved (dani shap, Ian MacLennan, Hannes Papenberg, Elin Waring).
# Fixed issue [#22556] *Wrong messages when uninstalling core components (Jean-Marie Simonet, Ramindu Deshapriya).
# Fixed bug in JTableNested unit test due to changes in the publish method.
28-Oct-2010 Mark Dexter
# [#22878] Contact menu items don't work correctly with published state of contacts and contact categories
28-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#21910] installation of module does not create module listing. Thanks Dennis and Troy.
# [#23031] RTL fix for display of menus in menu assignments. Thanks Andrea.
# [#22994] Contacts metadata options - registry errors. Thanks Andrew.
# [#23037] TinyMCE resizing settings. Thanks Dennis.
# [#23040] Right arrows aren't vertically centered in "Permissions setting". Thanks Dennis.
^ Updating pending and expired old 1.5 icons to new format (Temp)
28-Oct-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#23041] Incorrect testing for variable is an instance of a class (marius van rijnsoever).
# Fixed issue [#23032] Help system is generating incorrect URLs (Chris Davenport, Dennis Hermacki).
# Fixed issue [#23030] Bluestork Menu Model Assignments modal is closing immediately upon display (Andrea Tarr, Dennis Hermacki).
# Fixed issue [#23039] Cross site scripting Revision 19231 (Ervis Tusha, Ian MacLennan).
# Fixed issue [#23036] Undefined property: stdClass::$cachable in \libraries\joomla\environment\response.php on line 49 (Dennis Hermacki).
# Fixed issue [#22677] The treatment of the componentlayout parameter in categories is incorrect (Elin Waring).
27-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23002] jgrid.published does not show all possible statuses as was shown in 1.5. Thanks Dennis.
# [#23018] Clean up Legacy() method from content/contact helpers. Thanks Louis.
# Missing RTL css in bluestork.
# [#22619] SEF issue with mod_rewrite on when period in the alias.
26-Oct-2010 Ian MacLennan
# [#22987] using getElementById('adminForm') in submitform breaks Joomla 1.5 compatibility
26-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#23011] RTL fixes for form controls in the option modals and menu assignments. Thanks Andrea
# [#23024] Backend image file missed - j_arrow_right.png. RTL CSS added to fit.
# [#23025] Show "Linked user" in "Contact Manager: Contacts". Thanks Dennis.
25-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# Forgotten getLayout() change for pagebreak in rev 22932
# [#23004] pagenavigation plugin generates incorrect XHTML. Thanks Bill and Rouven.
# [#22981] Hathor RTL login CSS issues in Safari. Thanks Andrea.
24-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22667] Login/Logout Redirect not working. Thanks Mathavan and Christophe.
# [#22626] Parent Item selection does not update when Menu Location is changed. Thanks Mathavan.
23-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22928] Module edit - option to show/hide title in wrong position. Thanks Bill.
$ Correcting module position desc string.
# [#22989] Implement a way to choose between sample data at install. Thanks Christophe.
# [#22879] [patch] com_content: it's not possible to set title, introtext or fulltext to zero ("0"). Thanks Artyom.
# [#22980] RTL fix for ACL Permission in Bluestork and Hathor. Thanks Andrea.
# [#22876] Shifting of Elements on Screen when Options Box with Blocking Opens. Thanks Mathavan.
23-Oct-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#22442] available module positions
22-Oct-2010 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#22970] Menu item set to "registered" does not display when superuser logs in. Thanks Elin
# [#22959] Language switcher forbids you from reading content in a second language. No way to disable filtering. Thanks Christophe.
# [#22783] Error on front end, "the template for this display is not available" Thanks I Otura, Christophe and Bill.
22-Oct-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#21386] Category field includes categories user does not have permission to save to. (Elin Waring)
# [#22932] Several issues in layouts
# [#22990] Internal link issue in featured article display
21-Oct-2010 Christophe Demko
# [#22811] Get the proper model in the category controller (bill richardson)
# [#22936] Update Hathor with permissions changes from Tracker #22529 (Andrea Tarr)
# [#22951] PHP semi colon closing issue. (Vasanth V, bill richardson)
# [#22519] Image caption does not work (Jean-Marie Simonnet)
# [#22960] Sliders within sliders do not work
# [#21300] Problem with Options Lightbox and Sessions (Omar Ramos)
# [#22935] Automatic site language change when a user change its frontend language
# [#22535] Missing always fulltext value in com_content article view (second time)
# [#21399] user profile fields have numbering instead of filed names (Elin Waring, Mathavan Jeyadev)
20-Oct-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#22251] params field in table #__template_styles too small (Jason D'Souza, Bill Richardson, Christophe Demko).
19-Oct-2010 Andrew Eddie
# Fixed issue [#21635] fail to copy menu item (Brian Teeman, Mathavan Jeyadev, Jean-Marie Simonet, Louis Landry).